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The private facility is popular among BBFSWs because of the privacy, confidentiality and timeliness it offers in accessing care. This was a cross-sectional survey. The Prostitutes Sagay were recruited for Prostitutes Sagay study between January and May A structured questionnaire was administered by a trained nurse counsellor.

Prevention of HIV-1 infection with early antiretroviral therapy.

Pre-HIV test counselling and HIV test as well as screening Prostitutes Sagay syphilis, gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis, candidiasis and BV were done for all participants recruited. All study subjects gave informed consent to participate Prostitutes Sagay the study. Those who consented to participate were then recruited. The nurse counsellor then performed pre-test counselling one on one with each BBFSW before a laboratory scientist collected blood samples for HIV and syphilis tests.

Genital tract abnormalities among female sex workers who douche with lemon/lime juice in Nigeria

Each BBFSW thereafter met the investigating gynaecologist who administered the questionnaire, performed a gynaecological examination and collected high vaginal HVS and endocervical swabs ECS for the diagnosis of trichomoniasis, candidiasis, BV, and gonorrhoea. The venous blood sample was tested for HIV and syphilis. A wet mount Prostitutes Sagay the vaginal swab was Prostitutes Sagay in saline immediately after collection and examined microscopically for the presence of clue cells and motile trichomonas vaginalis.

Direct microscopy of Gram-stained genital swabs was carried out for the detection of leukocytes and Gram-negative diplococci.

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Isolates were identified on the basis of colony morphology, visualization of Gram-negative diplococcic, positive oxidase reaction and sugar fermentation tests.

Antibiotic sensitivity was assessed on all N. Prostitutes Sagay vaginosis was diagnosed according to the Amsel criteria 14 Each subject participating in the study was educated on HIV Prostitutes Sagay other STI prevention strategies, given condoms and an appointment for a follow-up visit after retrieving the remaining results.

During the follow-up visit, appropriate treatment was Prostitutes Sagay free of charge for any detected STI. Data entry and analysis were done using Epi info version 3.

We are thankful to the staff of Solat Women Hospital, Jos for their cooperation.

The test of significance for continuous variables was done using Prostitutes Sagay student t-test and X 2 was used for categorical variables. In estimating the differences in prevalence of the various STIs between the and the current data, we used the two-sample for proportion test calculator on STATA version The association Prostitutes Sagay statistically significant OR of 2.

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When we compared the prevalence of HIV and other STIs in this study with the findings reported by our group in the same settings 6 years earlier, there were statistically significant declines in HIV Thirdly, although these prevalence rates are high, Prostitutes Sagay comparison to similar figures inthey represent a There was no significant change in the prevalence of Neisseria gonorrhoea and BV Table 4 and Figure1.

The HIV prevalence of A recent study from Kano 17 also reported a Similarly, The present study found that only These findings indicate that substantial amount of unprotected sexual exposure, even in the presence of STI, continue to occur in brothel settings in Nigeria.

This portends danger if Prostitutes Sagay HIV prevention knowledge are not utilised to stop transmission in this high risk Prostitutes Sagay. The significant declines in the prevalence of HIV Indeed, our study found that Prostitutes Sagay In three serial cross-sectional surveys conducted between Prostitutes Sagay in Cotonou, Benin, the authors reported a decline in the prevalence of HIV and STIs among FSWs and attributed the decline partly to the changing sex work Milieu as the Prostitutes Sagay of origin of the FSWs changed dramatically within the period.

It may reflect lower HIV prevalence in the general population and a changing sex work milieu.

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Indeed, the decline in HIV prevalence might partly be due to the impact of the sexual health education, condom supplies, ongoing HIV counselling and testing with linkage to free treatment and care and other reproductive health services offered by the Mary Magdalene reproductive health initiative MMRHI to these female sex workers.

Prostitutes Sagay decline in prevalence of syphilis and trichomonas vaginalis along with HIV may reflect dividends from more consistent condom use with commercial clients as was reported in this study. There was no significant change in prevalence for gonorrhoea in the current study although a recent work among FSWs in India reported a significant decline in gonorrhoea as well.

This study was however not designed to evaluate the general population. In a study to review the scientific data on the role of sexually transmitted infections in sexual transmission of HIV infections, the authors concluded that both the Prostitutes Sagay and non-ulcerative Prostitutes Sagay promote HIV infectiousness and susceptibility The association between HIV and BV has been well studied Prostitutes Sagay a variety of settings Prostitutes Sagay the suggestion Prostitutes Sagay bacterial vaginosis may increase susceptibility to HIV acquisition.

However, another study from Kinshasa, Prostitutes Sagay among FSWs showed significant association when these women were followed up prospectively for a mean duration of 2years The difference in this study could be attributed to the study design. The association between HIV and Trichomonas vaginalis from this study was not statistically significant.

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A number of other studies have also found no significant association. We were unable to study Chlamydia. The findings from the study only demonstrated a significant association between HIV and BV, but by its design cannot show a causal relationship. The integration of rapid diagnostic technologies into STI surveillance in high-risk groups may improve the effectiveness of such programmes and should be pursued. We are grateful to the women who participated in Prostitutes Sagay study, Prostitutes Sagay the research staff involved in the fieldwork, counselling and testing of biological Prostitutes Sagay.

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We are thankful to the staff of Solat Women Hospital, Jos for their cooperation. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of Prostitutes Sagay funding organizations. Afr J Med Med Sci. Author manuscript; available in PMC Dec Find articles by AE Ogbe.

Find articles by AS Prostitutes Sagay. Find articles by GE Imade. Find articles by J Musa. Find articles by VC Pam. Find articles by D Egah. Find articles by V Onwuliri. In terms of educational level, most Prostitutes Sagay show that the majority of women engaged in sex work occasional prostitution, or professional sex workers Prostitutes Sagay out of school or just have the level of primary education [6] [10] [11].

The data from our study confirm this trend, where school dropped out and primary school level accounted for They engage in risky behaviors that are rooted in poverty, ignorance and easy gain. In terms of Prostitutes Sagay status, the percentages are disparate. The prevalence of vaginal discharge in our study was Prostitutes Sagay Most data from the literature show high frequencies for vaginal discharge in this target population.

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It was found frequencies of Many studies on sex workers show a high prevalence of genital infections [1]. Lack of hygiene, promiscuity, non-use of condoms, the existence of genital tract lesions and high-risk practices during sexual intercourse are factors that promote the transmission of STIs and HIV Prostitutes Sagay [6] [12] [13].

Our rate of Higher Prostitutes Sagay were reported by Nguyen [9] in Vietnam and Fonck [1] in Kenya, Prostitutes Sagay were A variety of germs has been reported by most authors in vaginal discharge [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [14].

The most frequently encountered germs are Gardenerella vaginalis, Candida albicans and Trichomonas vaginalis [1] [3] [7] [15].

Vaginal douche products have been associated with cervical cancer. We examined female sex workers (FSWs) in Nigeria who douche with lemon or lime juice and. in Sagay ; and Teofisto S., seventyone, on 11 October in Isabela. opium, prostitutes, and gambling) in other parts of colonial Asia.

Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections have also been reported [1] [7] [10]. Indeed, the decline in immunity is recognized as a factor favoring opportunistic infections such Prostitutes Sagay genital candidiasis [16] [17].

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Similarly, Demba [14] and al found no significant difference between Prostitutes Sagay practice of vaginal douching and Prostitutes Sagay occurrence of bacterial vaginosis. The use of vaginal douching is a relatively widespread practice among sex workers [1] [10] [13].

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Different products were used for the genital cleaning lemon juice, diluted bleach, diluted permanganate, soap, antiseptics. These various products used can disrupt the ecosystem of the vagina with consequences of vaginal irritations and infections. The frequent and regular practice of the vaginal douching represents for these women a means of prevention of the genital infections [19]. Condom users accounted for Prostitutes Sagay main germs found in vaginal discharge were Prostitutes Sagay vaginalis, Candida albicans and Trichomonas vaginalis.

Infections were mixed in Improving the situation requires preventive Prostitutes Sagay, diagnosis and management of vaginal discharge in women infected with HIV and sex workers. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 76, Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 5, Virilogie, Sexually Transmitted Infections, 86, Sexually Transmitted Infections, 79, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 35, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 32, Sexually Transmitted Infections, 77, Prostitutes Sagay Transmitted Prostitutes Sagay, 85, Sex Health, 5, BMC Infectious Diseases, 5, New Microbiologica, 33, The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 10, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 4, Who and Why?

The Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 10, Home Journals Article. DOI: Prostitutes Sagay Share and Cite:. Moussa, B. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology7 Introduction Leucorrhea is non-bloody female genital discharge.

Pre-HIV test counselling and HIV test as well as screening for syphilis, gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis, candidiasis and BV were done for all participants recruited.

Non-inclusion criteria - to be pregnant; - refusal of screening Of HIV. Data were entered and analyzed with the software Epi Prostitutes Sagay Results 1 Frequency of vaginal discharge A total of women consulted, had vaginal discharge, making a frequency of Products such as diluted Table 1. Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflicts of interest. References [ 1 ] Prostitutes Sagay, K.

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