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Consent for publication Not applicable Competing interests All authors in this study do declare that we do not have any competing interest. BoxProstitutes Misungwi, Tanzania. As a result, all consequence and responsibility fall on the young mother, further decreasing her power to enact health behaviours and care seeking.

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My father was taken to Mbarika police postwe had to Prostitutes Misungwi some money for his bondand he was released.

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When he returned homethey planned to arrest him once again he asked them it Prostitutes Misungwi be much wiser to go arrest the father of the man impregnated me instead. SoI had to take her to clinic by myself. I struggle with it. I incur expenses to pay for the motorbike to take her to clinic.

Subtheme 3b Fear and experiences of neglect and abuse. Participants shared stories of their own fears and experiences of neglect and abuse during pregnancy, in addition to their fears that their partners would also be subject to abuse if identified. The pregnancies of adolescent girls, particularly those who are unwed, are not viewed favorably by Prostitutes Misungwi community. As a result, pregnant adolescents spoke often of facing negative consequences Prostitutes Misungwi punishments from Prostitutes Misungwi families, or others.

Fears of experiencing neglect or abuse as retribution for their actions were commonly noted as the underlying reason for adolescents to refrain from accessing ANC, or seeking support that was required to Prostitutes Misungwi ANC clinics. Neglect and abuse often directly interfered in Prostitutes Misungwi ability to carry out advice e. I sometimes spent the whole day without eating anythingbut I sometimes had to sneak Prostitutes Misungwi go to my home place to eat because it is not far from here … They [in-laws] treated me like trash.

She orders me to go to work even when am seriously sick. One day she came in and woke me up to go to the farm to cultivate. I went to the farm while seriously sickI fell down unconsciousyou see?

Other members of the family echoed descriptions of how decisions to seek healthcare are made by others on behalf of pregnant adolescents, further illustrating the family-level barriers.

Pregnant adolescents expressed fears to reveal the names of fathers of their pregnancies, for fear that they would face abusive consequences, which compounds the impact of the abandonment they experience.

The men who leave them often escape consequence. As a result, all consequence and responsibility fall on the young mother, further decreasing her power to enact health behaviours and care seeking.

This community-level factor contributes to the difficulty experienced by adolescents in seeking and obtaining the support required to attend ANC. Participant stories Prostitutes Misungwi that pregnant adolescents generally have a good understanding of the reasons and importance of early ANC visits.

Many expressed that they understood the importance of ANC for the health of the pregnancy and the baby, and knew that ANC should be accessed early.

While this may be a facilitator for them to attempt to initiate and continue attending Prostitutes Misungwi, the lack of autonomy described above often impedes their ability to attend ANC, even in situations where they are motivated to do so.

I was just given [pills] only once… they were Prostitutes Misungwi for hemoglobin boost…we were also checked for blood pressure. Healthcare workers expressed concerns that lack of understanding at the level of the individual adolescent about the importance Prostitutes Misungwi ANC were the primary Prostitutes Misungwi that pregnant adolescents did not seek care.

However, this view was incongruent with the experiences of the majority of pregnant adolescents, highlighting a lack of understanding among health care workers about the complexity of the financial, and decision-making barriers to care seeking, faced by adolescents, which transcend the interpersonal and family levels.

People differ in understanding things. If someone understands the importance for ANC Prostitutes Misungwithey will obviously Prostitutes Misungwi fail to access the facility for ANC services. While lack of knowledge is assumed by some care providers to contribute to reluctance to seek Prostitutes Misungwi ANC at the level of the individual adolescent, it was expressed only as a partial reason Prostitutes Misungwi our adolescent participants.

When questioned about their knowledge of the importance of early ANC, their responses focused on other perceived barriers:.

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I wanted some months to pass by. How should I attend all the nine ANC services? FirstI had to go with my partnerthen paying three thousand as the first service expense and then one thousand per each ANC visit monthly.

A complete list of Prostitutes Misungwi and sub-themes contextualized within the social-ecological model refProstitutes Misungwi in Fig 1. Our tool captured the data around all the four levels of ecological model.

This model helped to capture the factors around all Prostitutes Misungwi to enrich our data as well as confirmability and triangulation of data.

Our study revealed that pregnant adolescent girls in Misungwi, Tanzania face multiple complex challenges to accessing recommended ANC that occur at the individual, interpersonal and family, community, and systems levels.

Misungwi District is among seven districts of Mwana Region. for women it is perceived as prostitution [23] and can create conflict. September 26, a head teacher of Ikungumhulu primary school in Misungwi t law criminalizes child prostitution ; however, sexual exploitation and trafin.

Our thematic analysis results can be synthesized to highlight a complex power imbalance that is faced by pregnant adolescents on multiple levels. The imbalance of power acts to form a network of barriers to accessing ANC.

Weber defines power as "the probability that one actor within a social relationship will be in a Prostitutes Misungwi to carry out his or her own will despite resistance, regardless of the basis on which this probability rests " [ 20 ].

Thus, the power of any given Prostitutes Misungwi in a relationship can be expressed Prostitutes Misungwi a function of the sources of power available to him or her at any given time of need [ 21 Prostitutes Misungwi.

Power imbalance occurs when power sources are unequally distributed between two or more actors in a given situation [ 22 ].

Perceptions of community members and healthcare workers on male involvement in prevention of mother-to-child transmission services in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, South Africa.

The imbalance of power increases as the availability of power sources to the individual in need decreases [ 23 ]. It also highlights how factors at various Prostitutes Misungwi levels interact to Prostitutes Misungwi the power of these pregnant adolescents.

This in turn can help to ensure that the findings of this research can inform policy change and interventions that will be effective for optimizing ANC for this population. Nearly half of the adolescents in our study became pregnant while still single, and not yet employed. Financial and material resources are an important power source in the Prostitutes Misungwi faced by pregnant adolescents in this setting.

The finances necessary to engage in seeking ANC, such as transportation costs, buying maternity clothing, paying for diagnostics and in some cases user-fees, are not directly available to adolescent girls. Prostitutes Misungwi power imbalance this causes is exacerbated by partner abandonment, and stigma. Experiences of stigma were prominent in the stories of our adolescent participants. Pregnancy before marriage, and at a young age remain socially unacceptable.

The resulting stigma adolescent girls face, to be seen in their villages, makes it more difficult for them to ask for the assistance and resources they need.

A previous qualitative of pregnant Prostitutes Misungwi have had the similar findings, that stigma was a significant barrier for unmarried women seeking reproductive healthcare [ 27 ]. In addition, partners frequently abandon pregnant adolescents, which not only leaves the Prostitutes Misungwi mother to bear the full burden of the stigma, it also decreases the number of people available to her to Prostitutes Misungwi provide the resources necessary for accessing ANC.

While the assumption was expressed by healthcare workers that pregnant adolescents lack understanding of the importance of ANC, our participants demonstrated very good knowledge about the need for early ANC. This incongruence between the views of healthcare workers and the knowledge level of pregnant adolescents should be addressed, as healthcare workers may otherwise over-invest in trying to educate adolescent girls, which is likely to have little impact on their care seeking, and ANC attendance.

Further, some who do seek care are turned away by Prostitutes Misungwi staff, and in some cases face abuse as a result Prostitutes Misungwi being abandoned by their partners. A previous qualitative studies of pregnant adolescents in have had similar findings, which revealed significant violence and abuse sustained by pregnant adolescents following partner abandonment [ 2829 ].

It is therefore unlikely that improving education and knowledge about ANC alone, would have much impact on ANC attendance among pregnant adolescents in Misungwi. Systems-level laws and policies, in place for the general good of the population might also contribute to the power imbalance faced by pregnant adolescents in Tanzania. While this law aims to protect the rights and safety of Prostitutes Misungwi girls, it may inadvertently contribute to partners young or older of adolescent girls who become pregnant, to abandon them and remain unidentified, and thus uninvolved in the pregnancy.

The fear of these negative repercussions compounds the stigma and shame these adolescent girls face, and may contribute to delay ANC, as they fear revealing the pregnancy early.

Single pregnant adolescents attempting to seek care are Prostitutes Misungwi away if their partner is absent, which leads to embarrassment, and undermines personal autonomy. Thus, partner abandonment, lack of knowledge, resources, and Prostitutes Misungwi, as well as fears and experiences of stigma and abuse all act in combination to reduce the power and autonomy of pregnant adolescents with respect to others in the family, the community and the health system.

This power imbalance and the resulting barriers to healthcare access may have a substantial impact on the health outcomes of pregnant adolescents and those of their children. Our study themes highlight several barriers Prostitutes Misungwi accessing Prostitutes Misungwi ANC experienced by pregnant adolescents in a rural Tanzanian community occurring at multiple social levels.

However, a synthesis of these themes in the context of the social power imbalance Prostitutes Misungwi by our participants uncovers a more complex picture, which will be necessary to consider if effective interventions Prostitutes Misungwi changes are to be made to optimize ANC access for this vulnerable population.

Although we endeavoured to include the voices of pregnant adolescents aged 10 Prostitutes Misungwi 19 in this study, were unable to identify or invite any participants aged 10 to 14 years, which may have narrowed the range of experiences we were able to uncover. Additionally, the authors acknowledge that the conceptualization of pregnancy and childbirth is heavily tied to social and cultural factors which can vary widely between communities. However, our results echo those found in qualitative studies of similar topics in other communities in South Africa and Brazil, demonstrating that the transferability of our results is not entirely limited.

Our study used triangulation of data sources, and data collection methods, which Prostitutes Misungwi to the dependability of our results. The use of multiple coders on Prostitutes Misungwi team for analysis as well as audit of the coding and analysis by a senior qualitative researcher have ensured the neutrality of our findings. This study also included Prostitutes Misungwi broad range of participant characteristics, which has contributed to the breadth and richness of the data.

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The themes that emerged in our study of financial dependence, lack of power in Prostitutes Misungwi making, Prostitutes Misungwi of stigma and judgement, violence and abuse do compromise access to ANC among adolescent girls.

Future interventions and potential bylaw and policy changes are needed to optimize ANC access in this vulnerable population. Based on our findings, we recommend the development Prostitutes Misungwi implementation of interventions and strategies focused on the empowerment of young girls, using an evidence-based framework that targets multiple levels of the social-ecological Prostitutes Misungwi, such as Van Eerdewijk et al. Individual level strategies should focus on empowering adolescent girls through aiming to normalize pregnancy and ANC, education about reproductive and prenatal health and rewarding ANC attendance.

Initiatives that encourage leadership opportunities for young girls may enable them to voice their thoughts and concerns more readily, and improve their personal autonomy and ability to access ANC services. Financial incentives at the personal and family levels could help to alleviate financial and resource barriers that can hinder ANC access.

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Community-level education initiatives should focus on creating common community goals to improve child health, and on imparting the knowledge that, while adolescent pregnancy may be undesirable, stigmatizing and shaming pregnant adolescents can harm the mother and unborn child.

We recommend a focus on educating elders, and husbands in the community about the harms of social Prostitutes Misungwi, blame and abuse as well as the importance of access to ANC for the adolescent members of their communities. At the system level, we acknowledge that the regulations requiring partner attendance at ANC, and the laws Prostitutes Misungwi those who impregnate an adolescent were intended to aid in HIV testing and preventing sexual abuse and exploitation of girls, respectively, local and regional authorities and public policy makers should reexamine and restructure regulations, taking into account the unintentional negative impacts they may be having on maternal and infant health.

This would aid with reducing the interpersonal barriers of partner abandonment, and family burden indirectly. We would like to acknowledge with gratitude all members of the data collection team who played a great role in this study: Boniphace Maendeleo, Zabron Masatu, Hadija S. Sincere gratitude goes to all participants and Prostitutes Misungwi Mama na Prostitutes Misungwi research and implementation staff Prostitutes Misungwi their valuable support in this research. PLoS One. Published online Jun Emily A Hurley, Editor.

Author information Article notes Prostitutes Misungwi and License information Disclaimer. Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Received Sep 11; Accepted Apr 8.

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This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licensewhich permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Abstract Background Adolescent girls 10—19 years are at increased risk of morbidity and mortality from pregnancy and childbirth complications, compared Prostitutes Misungwi older mothers. Methods We conducted a qualitative thematic analysis study Prostitutes Misungwi the experiences of pregnant adolescents with accessing antenatal care in Misungwi district, Tanzania.

Conclusion Adolescent antenatal care-seeking is compromised by Prostitutes Misungwi complex power imbalance that involves financial dependence, lack of choice, lack of personal autonomy in decision making, experiences of social stigma, judgement, violence and abuse.

Introduction Globally, pregnancy and childbirth complications are the leading cause of death among adolescent Prostitutes Misungwi 10—19 years of age [ 1 ]. Materials and methods Study design We conducted an in-depth qualitative thematic analysis study to explore the lived experiences of pregnant adolescents with Prostitutes Misungwi ANC in the rural Misungwi district, Tanzania. Sampling and recruitment We recruited adolescent girls aged 10—19 years who were pregnant or parenting a child aged less than five years Prostitutes Misungwi the time of data collection, from four rural villages; Isesa, Buhunda, Nyamayinza and Kijima, using a maximum variation purposive sampling strategy, wherein we sought to include a Prostitutes Misungwi of maternal ages, martial statuses, and levels of education.

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Data analysis All Sukuma interviews were transcribed verbatim in Prostitutes Misungwi as Sukuma is not commonly written by research assistants who were fluent in both languages. Table 1 Prostitutes Misungwi characteristics.

None 35 7 Open in a separate window. Emergent themes Four primary themes, some with sub-themes, all tied into the dynamics of power balance emerged from the data. Theme 1: Lack of maternal personal autonomy We found that pregnant and parenting adolescent girls lacked the power to support themselves and to make and enact decisions around their own antenatal, delivery and postnatal care. Sub-theme 1a Lack of finances and material resources. Theme 2 Stigma and judgment Adolescents expressed experiences of stigmatization Prostitutes Misungwi their communities.

I knew that I lost education… my parents…[the community]they were very furiously provoking me. Theme Prostitutes Misungwi Vulnerability to neglect and abuse Subtheme 3a Abandonment by the partner.

Theme 4: Knowledge about Prostitutes Misungwi Participant stories revealed that pregnant adolescents generally have a good understanding of the reasons and importance of early ANC visits.

Fig 1. Barriers and enablers categorized within the social ecological model. Discussion Our study revealed that pregnant adolescent girls in Misungwi, Tanzania face multiple complex challenges to accessing recommended ANC that occur at the individual, interpersonal and family, community, and systems levels. Strengths and limitations Although we endeavoured to include the voices of pregnant adolescents aged 10 through 19 in Prostitutes Misungwi study, were unable to identify or invite any participants aged 10 to 14 years, which may have narrowed the range of experiences we were able to uncover.

Acknowledgments We would like to acknowledge with gratitude all members of Prostitutes Misungwi data collection team who played a great role in this study: Boniphace Maendeleo, Zabron Prostitutes Misungwi, Hadija S.

Data Availability There are ethical restrictions against releasing our data transcripts publicly, because they contain sensitive information and Prostitutes Misungwi study participants are form a vulnerable population.

References 1. Kassa G. Healthvol.

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Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. This power imbalance and the resulting barriers to healthcare access may have a substantial impact on the Prostitutes Misungwi outcomes of pregnant adolescents and those of their children. Participants who could Prostitutes Misungwi read or write were asked to select a trusted witness who could translate the information written in the consent form, and were asked to sign the consent with a thumbprint. While lack of knowledge is assumed by some care providers to contribute to reluctance to seek early ANC at Prostitutes Misungwi level of the individual adolescent, it was expressed only as a partial reason by our adolescent participants. Adolescents expressed experiences of stigmatization within their communities.
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