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The study establishes that respondents in age group 15—19 years are 1. They were more Muslims

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The study was carried out in rural areas. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used for data gathering. For quantitative data, the structured Questionnaire was used while Focus Group Discussion FGD and In-depth interview methods Prostitutes Gombi used Prostitutes Gombi the collection of qualitative data. Two Hundred copies of questionnaire were administered. Stratified sampling technique was employed to select the sample for the study.

The study area was Prostitutes Gombi with the listing of the villages and eleven of the enlisted villages were randomly selected. From the selected villages, houses were randomly selected using the National Population Commission NPC house numbering.

From the selected houses young women aged 15—24 years who married before age 16 years and have had at least Prostitutes Gombi child were interviewed using the specially designed questionnaire there was a recall question. The questionnaire was pre-tested for validity and reliability of the instrument.

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The reliability test was conducted before the administration of the questionnaire. In all, questionnaires were correctly filled and analyzed for the study seven 7 were discarded. The information collected covered the socio-demographic characteristics, reproductive health issues, child bearing, sexual behaviour questions on sexual behaviour were adapted from NDHSfactors influencing child marriage in the study area and the risks of early marriage and childbearing.

Six 6 Focus Group Discussions were held 50 discussants were selected across different socio-economic strata Prostitutes Gombi the selected villages to elicit information on traditional expectations regarding sexuality, impact of early marriage on well-being and consequences of early marriage. The participants were those in reproductive age 15—49 years who had at least a child as at the time of the survey. Sturctured interview guide was used for the FGDs.

One focus group discussion each was carried out in six of the villages selected for the quantitative study. The FGDs were conducted by two trained research assistants from the state who are conversant with the culture and language of the people but not from the local government.

Information provided was strictly maintained and the real names Prostitutes Gombi the respondents were not used for Prostitutes Gombi study. In-depth interviews Prostitutes Gombi also conducted among 12 stakeholders two each from health workers, community leaders, religious leaders, market women and traditional Prostitutes Gombi workers. They were selected across the selected villages in the Prostitutes Gombi area. The exercise covered areas like: issues of child marriage, factors Prostitutes Gombi child marriage, girl child education, sexual rights and choices in Prostitutes Gombi community, and common maternal health risks.

For each of the session of the FGDs and IDI, two trained research assistants were used one served as note taker while the other RA served as moderator. The discussions notes taken from each of the sessions from the FGDs and IDIs were transcribed and translated verbatim. Analysis involved developing a system of indexing the data Prostitutes Gombi sets of categories or codes that provided structure to the data based on the research objectives and the topic included in the questions guide.

A qualitative software ZY-index software package for ethnographic data was used for textual data analysis.

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This does not allow the use of percentages and statistical analysis. Some striking expressions were for verbatim reporting. Data from qualitative survey have Prostitutes Gombi extensively used inthis paper to validate quantitative analysis where and when necessary. The quantitative Prostitutes Gombi collected from this survey were subjected to three levels of analysis. The first level involves an examination of the distribution of the respondents according to selected characteristics.

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This is because the behaviour of individuals in society is, to a large extent, determined by their personal characteristics as well as those of the environment in which they live. For this reason, it is expected that child marriage will be greatly determined by background characteristics Prostitutes Gombi as education, age, marital status, type of marital union and reproductive health decision making.

To this end, simple percentages were employed to describe these variables. The second level involves the examination Prostitutes Gombi the pattern of relationship between the dependent variables i. The third level of the analysis involves the use of Logistic Regression techniques to show the effect of the relationship between the dependent variable e.

On ethical consideration, consent forms were administered to all the participants Prostitutes Gombi who could read were asked to sign the consent forms Prostitutes Gombi those who could not thumb printed the consent form.

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These forms were strictly Prostitutes Gombi by the researchers. Majority of the respondents All the respondents were young mothers who married early at various ages before 16 years of age and had been married less than 5years They were more Muslims Estimated incomes of respondents reveal that more than half The respondents weretherefore young Prostitutes Gombi characterized by little education, largely informal sector engagement, low income, early marriage and rural residences.

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Early marriage for girls was still generally favoured to protect the girl-child Prostitutes Gombi chart a good future for her. Prostitutes Gombi from FGDs revealed that culture plays very important roles Prostitutes Gombi the lives of the people. Religious prescriptions were cited by male participants in the FGDs but there was a general agreement by female participants that poverty plays a major role in decisions to marry off girls early, particularly when they are withdrawn from schools for marriage, Prostitutes Gombi with the hope that they may continue after marriage and sponsored by the husband.

Gombi and surrounding communities are largely rural and there were expressions of anxiety over the spread of certain values from the nearby urban areas which may lead to the breakdown of long-held family and community values, the need to prevent prostitution, unwanted teenage pregnancies, childlessness and other unwholesome western values Prostitutes Gombi allow what is considered unnecessary freedom for young girls.

This was supported by the FGDs conducted.

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A girl must be in her husband's house before Prostitutes Gombi at puberty. This is Prostitutes Gombi parents give their young girls' hands in marriage at their younger ages. They prefer early marriage to our young girls becoming prostitutes. Our culture does not permit misbehavior by girls, even boys must marry early to be responsible. The status of women in the study area is revealed in the generally low educational attainment, low income and the pattern of family Prostitutes Gombi fertility decision-making that is highly patriarchal.

This is evident in the overwhelming Since husbands were the main providers in the households, wives were generally very submissive as culturally expected. This was corroborated by the FGDs in which participants revealed that fertility decisions taken by husbands were sometimes injurious to the health and wellbeing of the wives and cited decisions to have another child to ensure a male child or more male children.

Since we depend on our husbands Prostitutes Gombi the daily needs and they are the ones that can determine the number of children. If I have the resources e. They are the ones that own the land and the crops, we are just assisting them to support our family. It is our religion that Prostitutes Gombi husbands or the heads of the family to be the one to decide on the number of children.

Even if the wife desires more children Prostitutes Gombi the husband says no there is nothing she can do. Likewise if the husbands desire more children the wife can't say no to him. Male children are favoured in our culture It is not the fault of women not to go to the hospital, their husbands must approve of it because you can't take the decision on your own.

Spousal communication on the use of contraceptives Prostitutes Gombi previously revealed NDHS, is therefore still very low.

The data also revealed that spousal communication on fertility issues is very low as a result of the wide age differences between the young mothers and their husbands The FGDs revealed a general lack of confidence by respondents in articulating the issues around reproductive health issues and associated with childbearing. This and discussions in the FGDs revealed that maternal morbidity is very Prostitutes Gombi among the young mothers.

The uptake of opportunities for antenatal and post-natal care was reported-ly low among women due to distance from the facilities, cost, husband's attitude and ignorance.

Birth-spacing Prostitutes Gombi not deliberately practiced and contraceptive use is almost non-existent.

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While there were no locally Prostitutes Gombi figures, health personnel also confirmed a high and increasing frequency of maternal deaths involving young mothers, in and outside health facilities in Prostitutes Gombi study area 1214 Some of these women are too young for childbearing but because of our culture and Prostitutes Gombi there is nothing we can do, we Prostitutes Gombi educating them still we still have new cases every day.

Sexually Transmitted Infections are very common around here but many are treated at the local chemists and herbal clinics rather than in the hospitals because of shame. It has led to loss of many girls in our community. Some of these women Prostitutes Gombi not well informed about the pregnancy complications. Some of them will not attend anti-natal clinic.

They are too young and not yet ripe for childbearing but are married and expected to have children. Miscarriage and excessive bleeding are very common pregnancy complications in our community. Also prolonged labour mainly because pregnant women do not register early for ante natal care because the young ones don't have money they Prostitutes Gombi know when its appropriate to do so. Some of them will not come to the health facilities for anti-natal until it has resulted to complications - sometimes it might result to death.

Majority of the complications we have handled were as a result of early marriage and their negligence of not attending anti-natal for proper medical advice. VVF cases are also common in this Prostitutes Gombi, but we are trying our best to educate them.

This is probably because those with little education before marriage may be unable or poorly equipped to take appropriate reproductive health decisions that are important in reducing pregnancy-related complications.

The sample of young early-married mothers was analysed for differentials in experiences of Prostitutes Gombi complications across categories as shown in Table 5. However, the FGDs and in-depth interviews with Prostitutes Gombi and community leaders revealed that early marriage of before 18 years is the norm in the study area but child marriages are conducted mostly among Muslims because the religion permits it, with caution.

The experience of serious pregnancy-related complications decrease with increasing exposure to educational opportunities with more respondents with primary level completed, Similarly, respondents' husbands' level of education was found to be associated.

The data therefore reveal that level of education of respondents and their husbands, income of respondents, age of respondents, number of children ever born and to a lesser extent, religion influence exposure Prostitutes Gombi maternal health risks of young mothers that married very early Prostitutes Gombi the study area.

The outcome of logistic regression Table 6 of selected variables and Ever Had Pregnancy Complications further corroborated the findings and revealed that respondents aged 15—19 years are OR 1. With the level of education of the respondents, those with primary education completed and non-completed are contraceptives OR 4.

This is probably because Prostitutes Gombi with little education before marriage may be unable or poorly equipped to take appropriate reproductive health decisions that are important in reducing Prostitutes Gombi complications.

Child marriage, referring to a marriage of a young person less than 18 years is still widely practiced in many parts of the World and predominantly affects girls.

Low empowerment, indicated by low income and low decision-making power is significantly associated with the likelihood of experiencing pregnancy complications in the study area as those with low empowerment are OR 3. Number of children is also another significant factor identified in the analysis, it was revealed that ever-experienced complications may likely increase with the number of children. This is an interesting finding in this study, particularly with low contraceptive use.

Participants from the FGDs expressed confidence in nurses, midwives and traditional birth attendants compared Prostitutes Gombi doctors. This was collaborated by the responses Prostitutes Gombi table 4. Delay in seeking medical treatment is one of the factors mentioned among the FGDs participants as a cause of maternal death and complications in the study area.

This may be as a result of the revelation that decision-making regarding medical treatment is the responsibility of husbands and only Prostitutes Gombi Only This study has established that girls in Gombi locality are facing significant cultural and Prostitutes Gombi barriers to living wholesome and healthy lives that are often strengthened by religious prescriptions on marriage.

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These include the facts that their marriages were arranged without their consent, the opportunities Prostitutes Gombi schooling were either disrupted or not utilized at all, they were made to commence sexual relations and subsequent childbearing early, they were exposed fully to Prostitutes Gombi reproductive health risks as shown in this study. Another cultural factor revealed in the study is the issue of patriarchy, husbands have the final say on almost all the household Prostitutes Gombi including the respondents' health issues.

This may be one of the reasons for the delay in seeking medical care as reported among the medical health officials who participated in the in-depth interview. Haberland, Nicole, Eric. Chong, and.

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There is also greater control by their husbands with restriction on movement, ability to seek health care and family planning services, limited capacity to Prostitutes Gombi independent income Prostitutes Gombi paid labour force. Financially, theydepend on their husbands and unable to ask their partners to go for test, use contraceptives or abstain from sex even when they know their partners are infected. The notion of good reproductive health encompasses all aspects of the reproductive process including the right to engage in sexual relations and to decide Prostitutes Gombi to have children and these are the rights not accessible to the young women in the study area.

Earlier findings 184 revealed that child brides are likely to commence childbearing early and there is a strong correlation between the Prostitutes Gombi of mother and maternal morbidity. More than two thirds of the respondents indicated that they have experienced at least one the complications during their life births.

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Some of the complications me tioned in this study include; prolonged and obstructed labour which may lead to hemorrhage, excessive bleeding and prolonged sickness after birth. This reaffirms the impact of child marriage on the health of the mothers. Previous studies linked child marriage with some health consequences such Prostitutes Gombi, Cervical Cancer, VVF, genital ulcer etc 19 These girls are expected to prove their fertility immediately they are married off which often results into pregnancies a stage they are not prepared for, eventually leading to maternal and newborn morbidity.

Girls aged 14 years and younger run a risk of complication in pregnancy and child birth when compared with those of older ages Poverty has also been shown to be at the core of the way young girls are regarded as economic burden and quickly Prostitutes Gombi off to alleviate household expenses as reported among the FGDs participants in the study area. In these communities, educational and economic opportunities available to girls are few and girls are often quickly Prostitutes Gombi off to protect them as well as improve the economic Prostitutes Gombi of the family.

Considerations for family honour also put pressure on families to marry off young daughters, to avoid embarrassment and shame that may come with loss of virginity and unwanted pregnancies as they grow up. Early marriage invariably confines young girls to a life of poverty, in a cycle that is often difficult to break and significantly deprive them of freedom and entitlements to life.

Prostitutes Gombi study reveals that girls are viewed as economic burden and marrying them Prostitutes Gombi is a way to alleviate household expenses The practice of child marriage dooms girls and women to a life of poverty.

Another strong factor identified in the study is the Prostitutes Gombi of promiscuity among the girls as a strong rea-sons for their early marriage. Parents believed that instead of bring Prostitutes Gombi to the family it is better Prostitutes Gombi allow suit-or to come for them.

Ending child marriage: a guide for global action.

Studies have shown that girls who married early are more likely to be infected with sexually transmitted infections especially HIV and human papilloma virus HPV. Evidences from sub-Saharan African countries revealed that half of the married girls are more likely to be infected with HIV than the unmarried 3 Prostitutes Gombi, The study also affirmed the significant relationship between education and pregnancy complication.

Those who have Prostitutes Gombi education are less likely to have complications. Participants from the FGDs and IDIs explained that those with higher education have knowledge about Prostitutes Gombi of pregnancy complications and they can quickly access health facilities.

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It is therefore very costly in terms of the consequences for these societies. A housewife, Guyaku It is not the fault of women not to go to the hospital, their husbands must approve of it because you can't take the decision on your own.
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Jenson and Thornton, author. The TRF is 6. While average age at first marriage is 17 years nationwide, average age of marriage for girls is just over 11 years in Kebbi State and about Prostitutes Gombi years in Prostitutes Gombi other parts of Northern Nigeria. Haberland, Nicole, Eric. If I have the resources e. To this end, simple percentages were employed to describe these variables. Information provided was strictly maintained and the real names of the respondents were not used for the study.
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