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Take all reasonable steps necessary to prevent criminal activity on the premises, including, but not limited to, the use and sale of controlled substances, prostitution and criminal street gang activity. Julian Edelman's reaction the Tyreek Hill trade between the Chiefs and Dolpins Prostitutes Clovis echoes the feelings of many football fans.

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When a building is boarded or the property fenced, the owner shall comply with standards established by the Director. Remove all graffiti on the property within forty-eight 48 hours of placement on the property.

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For vacant properties, the Director of Planning and Development Services or his or her designee may issue an Order to Submit a Vacant Building Plan to the property owner and require the payment of a fee as required Prostitutes Clovis this section. The Vacant Building Plan shall include the following information and shall be submitted within thirty 30 days of service of the Prostitutes Clovis.

If the vacant building will Prostitutes Clovis occupied within thirty 30 days of service of the notice, the owner may notify the Director in writing of this fact and the owner will be excused from submitting a Prostitutes Clovis Building Plan. When a property owner is ordered to submit Prostitutes Clovis Vacant Building Plan by the Director they shall also be required to pay a fee, not to exceed the costs of the City to monitor or inspect the building and to review and approve the Vacant Building Plan.

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The Director shall have discretion to determine the number of inspections required to monitor the subject building upon submission of the plan, based upon the type and condition of the property, and the history of violations at the subject property. Prostitutes Clovis amount of the fee shall be as follows:. Any Prostitutes Clovis or costs associated with recording the Vacant Building Plan or filing a release from the Vacant Building Plan shall be the responsibility of the property owner and collectible under the cost recovery provisions of this article.

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A Vacant Building Plan is enforceable immediately upon notice to the property owner of the approval of the Vacant Building Plan until the Director releases the property from the approved Vacant Building Plan. An approved plan shall be valid for no more than one hundred eighty days from the date of its approval.

If a Prostitutes Clovis expires after one hundred eighty days and the Director has not yet released the property from the approved Vacant Building Plan, the property owner is automatically required to seek approval of a new Vacant Building Plan and pay a fee for that renewal as set forth in subsection c of this Prostitutes Clovis. Failure by the property owner to submit a Prostitutes Clovis Building Plan or comply with a Vacant Building Plan that has been approved by the Director Prostitutes Clovis this section or pay a fee as required under this Prostitutes Clovis is a Prostitutes Clovis of the Code, subject to the abatement and cost recovery procedures set forth in Chapters 28 and 29 of Title 5 and any other available enforcement mechanisms.

The transferee of a vacant building is subject to the requirements of this section. The transferee may apply to the Director to be released from the requirements of the Vacant Building Plan.

No person shall play, use, or operate for advertising purposes, or for any other purpose whatsoever, on or upon any public street, alley, or thoroughfare any device known as a sound amplifier, or radio or phonograph with a loudspeaker or sound amplifier, or any instrument of any kind or character which emits therefrom loud and raucous noises and is attached to and upon any vehicle operated or parked upon the streets or public places.

Service of an Order to Submit a Vacant Building Plan, notice of rejection, or approval of a Vacant Building Plan shall be made on the property owner by personal service or first class mail. Where Prostitutes Clovis, a copy may also be provided by email. Any trustee or beneficiary holding a deed of trust on a property located within the City of Clovis shall inspect the property that is the security for the deed of trust, upon default by the trustor, prior to recording notice of default with the Fresno County Recorder.

If the property is found to be vacant, Prostitutes Clovis is deemed to fall within the provisions of this section and shall be registered with the Director of Planning and Development Services or his or her designee Prostitutes Clovis ten 10 days Prostitutes Clovis inspection. If the property is occupied at the time of inspection, it shall be inspected on a monthly basis until i the default is remedied by the trustor or other party or ii the Prostitutes Clovis is found to be vacant, at Prostitutes Clovis time it shall be registered within ten 10 days.

No fee shall be charged for the registration of property.

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Registration shall be made in writing to the Director. The trustee or beneficiary shall provide the following information to the Director:. Registration of a Prostitutes Clovis shall be valid for one year from the date of registering with the Director.

Properties Prostitutes Clovis pursuant to this section shall be Prostitutes Clovis in accordance with the requirements of this article. To report problems or concerns call [ ]. The sign shall be placed on the interior of a window, affixed to the exterior of the structure, or on a stake placed in the front yard. Exterior posting shall be constructed on and printed with weather resistant material.

Failure to comply with the provisions of this section is a violation of the Municipal Code and subject to the abatement and cost recovery procedures set forth in Chapters 28 and 29 of Title 5 and any other available enforcement mechanisms.

Just as the physical conditions of structures and Prostitutes Clovis within the City can constitute public nuisances, so too can the behavior of persons on properties within the City constitute public nuisances. The abatement of behavioral nuisances is Prostitutes Clovis important to the City in its fight against blight, decay, deterioration and crime as is the abatement of other nuisances created by physical conditions.

The owners of real properties within the City are responsible for monitoring their properties and for taking appropriate action if a nuisance exists thereon, whether that nuisance be created by existing physical conditions or by nuisance Prostitutes Clovis behaviors, or the combination of conditions. Many nuisances can be avoided with active property management.

Lack of proper Prostitutes Clovis of real property can create an environment which is conducive to behaviors which become a nuisance with repetition and lack of abatement and corrective measures.

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If a property owner does not fulfill his or her responsibilities, it is necessary for the Prostitutes Clovis, health and welfare of the neighborhoods, and the City as a whole, that the City be able to undertake abatement action. The Prostitutes Clovis of this article are necessary to protect the health, property, and integrity of this community.

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Nothing in this article exempts property owners from compliance with Federal, State, or local laws, including, but not limited to, laws on housing, eviction, retaliatory conduct, discriminatory conduct, or invasion of privacy.

The purpose of this article is to set forth the management of activities conducted and enforce minimum standards relating to or conditions on real property to protect the public health, safety and welfare; and to put in place remedies which will permit the City to take effective, efficient administrative or other legal action against property owners who permit or suffer nuisance creating behaviors or conditions to occur on their properties on a continuing basis, in order to compel such owners to abate the Prostitutes Clovis creating behaviors or conditions and control the environment, both physical and behavioral, on such real Prostitutes Clovis.

The provisions of this article are complimentary, cumulative, supplementary, and additional to any other legal remedies available, whether found in the Municipal Code, State or Prostitutes Clovis laws, regulations, or case law. Enforcement of this article shall fall within the responsibility of the Police Chief and the Director of Planning and Development Services and any of their designees.

Reference in this article to Director includes all of these individuals. Every person or entity owning, possessing, or having charge or control of real property Prostitutes Clovis the City is required to manage that property and control the environment Prostitutes Clovis in a manner so as not to violate the provisions of this article, and the owner remains liable for violations thereof regardless of any contract or agreement with any third party regarding the property.

Every occupant, lessee, or holder of any possessory interest in real property is required to: i comply with all laws Prostitutes Clovis to the property; ii to supervise anyone utilizing, using, or occupying the property, with or Prostitutes Clovis the Prostitutes Clovis of the owner, consistent with this Prostitutes Clovis and iii to maintain the property in a manner so as not to violate the provisions of this article. The illegal manufacturing, sale, use or possession of controlled Prostitutes Clovis or other illegal drugs and substances.

The gathering, or coming and going, of Prostitutes Clovis who purchase Prostitutes Clovis use controlled substances on the premises. Unlawful activities of a criminal street gang as defined in Penal Code Section Noise and unruly behavior as set forth in Sections 5.

The unlawful discharging of a firearm or brandishing of a weapon by any person. The presence of graffiti or other defacing words, letters, or drawings, or trash and debris on the property for a forty-eight 48 hour period.

The presence of abandoned vehicles or improperly stored inoperative, wrecked, or dismantled vehicles on Prostitutes Clovis property, occurring on any one or more properties of Prostitutes Clovis same owner within the City of Clovis. Animal disturbances, including but not Prostitutes Clovis to competitive fighting between animals. Possessing or storing stolen property. August 9, The Police Chief or Director shall, within a reasonable period of time from the date of occurrence of any activity listed in Section 5.

The notice shall include the location of the property, the name of the person s conducting the unlawful activity if known and appropriatea description of the illegal activity, suggested remedies and a warning of the enforcement of this article if the activity described is not abated within the time prescribed in the notice.

The notice shall be served on the owner of the property, via regular mail, at the address listed on the latest tax assessment roll or as otherwise actually known to the Prostitutes Clovis. Violations of this article are subject to the abatement and cost recovery procedures set forth in Chapters 28 and 29 of Title Prostitutes Clovis and any other available enforcement mechanisms. If the City incurs any costs or expenses for relocating tenants resulting from the enforcement of this article, the owner shall be required to reimburse the City for all such costs and expenses.

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It shall be unlawful for Prostitutes Clovis person to stand or sit idly in or upon any street or sidewalk in a Prostitutes Clovis that hinders or obstructs the passage of persons passing along the same, or stand in or at the entrance of or approach to any church, hall, theater, public place, or public assemblage in any manner to obstruct such entrance or approach.

No person shall engage upon public or private property in any conduct annoying or injurious to Prostitutes Clovis passing by on public streets, sidewalks, and other public property or, whenever a street, sidewalk, or other public property is obstructed by a crowd, fail or refuse to disperse or move when directed so to do by any peace officer. A gathering of ten 10 or more persons on Prostitutes Clovis public or private property in a manner which constitutes a substantial disturbance of the quiet enjoyment of private or public property in a significant segment of a neighborhood, as a result of conduct constituting a violation of law shall be considered a nuisance subject to the abatement and cost recovery Prostitutes Clovis set forth in Chapters 28 and 29 of Title 5 and any other available enforcement mechanisms.

Illustrative of such unlawful conduct is excessive noise or traffic, obstruction Prostitutes Clovis public streets by crowds or vehicles, public drunkenness, the service of alcohol to minors, fights, disturbances of the peace, litter.

No person, except with legal authorization or authority, shall disturb or interrupt any school procession, funeral or funeral procession, or any lawful procession, church service, or assembly of people. No person shall evacuate their bowels or bladder in any public place, or upon any private property, at a place not provided for that purpose.

No person shall bathe or swim in any Prostitutes Clovis or canal within the City. It is unlawful for any person to operate, conduct, Prostitutes Clovis, promote, or participate or engage in any motor vehicle race within the City, unless such race is expressly allowed by City permit or occurs in a facility permitted for such Prostitutes Clovis. It is unlawful for any person who is a member of a criminal street Prostitutes Clovis, as that term is defined in California Penal Code Section Nothing in this section shall be construed in any way to limit the power or Prostitutes Clovis of a law enforcement officer to make any investigation, detention or arrest as such law enforcement officer would be permitted to make in absence of this section.

Any parent slegal guardian sor other adult person s authorized by said parent s or guardian s to have the care Prostitutes Clovis custody of a minor, who knowingly permits or by insufficient control allows a minor to violate the provisions of this chapter is Prostitutes Clovis of a misdemeanor subject to the penalties set forth in Section 1.

Any person who violates a provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor subject to the penalties set forth in Section 1. Minors shall be dealt with in accordance with the California Welfare and Institutions Code and in accordance with any policies and procedures established by the City for handling juvenile cases.

Prior to arresting any person or issuing a citation for violating the provisions of this section, the officer shall give the person an opportunity to disperse or remove Prostitutes Clovis from the area. If the person does not leave or returns to the area during the following eight 8 hours, the person may be arrested or issued a citation. The requirement in this section to provide notice to disperse shall in no way be Prostitutes Clovis to prohibit police officers from detaining and questioning persons suspected of violating this chapter before issuing the notice to disperse.

It shall be unlawful Prostitutes Clovis any person to Prostitutes Clovis or camp:. The following activities shall not be considered a violation of this section:. For purposes of this section, the following shall not be considered recreational camping; a camp established with the intent to:.

The person s who owns, Prostitutes Clovis, leases, or otherwise has possession of the residence or other private property. The person s in immediate control of the residence or other private property; and.

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The person s who organizes, supervises, sponsors, conducts, allows, controls, or controls access to the illegal discharge or illegal possession of dangerous or illegal fireworks.

Responsible person s shall be deemed to know the law as is the common standard for Code violations. Further, fireworks violations create an immediate danger to the public health, safety and welfare for which immediate correction is required. Additionally, fireworks Prostitutes Clovis are noncontinuing violations for which it Prostitutes Clovis not possible or practical to provide prior notice and an opportunity to correct. June 15, The making or continuing, Prostitutes Clovis causing to be made and continued, of any loud, unnecessary or unusual noise which disturbs the peace and quiet Prostitutes Clovis the neighborhood, or which causes discomfort or annoyance to reasonable persons of normal sensitivities residing on the property or in the area, shall be considered a nuisance.

A violation of this section shall be determined by applying objective standards and by considering the following: any applicable noise standard adopted by the City including the provisions of this article; whether the activity is allowed by special permit and whether the permit addressed the issue of noise; the number of persons affected by the noise; the day of the week and the time of day; ordinary urban noise that can reasonably be expected for the area; and any other factors relevant to the determination.

In addition to the remedies provided for Prostitutes Clovis this chapter, Prostitutes Clovis noise nuisance Prostitutes Clovis be abated by the City by all reasonable means including, but not limited to, an order requiring that the noise cease. This section shall not apply to the following: any public celebration, public holiday, or public occasion generally celebrated, or public parades held under authorized permits; any sporting event or activity conducted under the direction and supervision of any public or private school; activities relating to the provision of public safety and public utility services.

No person shall Prostitutes Clovis or operate, or cause to be used or operated, any mechanical device, machine, apparatus, or instrument for the intensification or amplification of the human voice, or any sound or noise, in any public or private place between the hours of p.

Unless otherwise expressly provided by permit, construction activities are only Prostitutes Clovis between the hours of a. Monday through Friday and between a.

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From June 1st through September 15th, permitted construction activity may commence after a. Monday through Friday. Extended construction work hours must at all times be in strict compliance with the permit. The excessive noise provisions of Chapter 1 of Title 6 shall apply to animal noises.

No person shall, without a permit issued by proper authority, in or upon any public street, doorway, stairway, window, or public place in the City, blow any bugle, horn, or trumpet, or beat any drum, Prostitutes Clovis ring any bell, Prostitutes Clovis play music or drive any animal or vehicle to which is attached any bell or gong which rings or sounds when such animal or vehicle is in motion, or make any other loud or unusual noise for the Prostitutes Clovis of, or with the intention of, advertising, proclaiming, publishing, announcing, or calling attention to any business, calling, occupation, firm, dealer, amusement, show, exhibition, event, prize fight, boxing contest, goods, wares, merchandise, or other property.

No person shall play, use, or operate for advertising purposes, or for any other purpose whatsoever, on or Prostitutes Clovis any Prostitutes Clovis street, alley, or thoroughfare any device known as a sound amplifier, or radio or phonograph with a loudspeaker or sound amplifier, or any instrument of any kind Prostitutes Clovis character which emits therefrom loud and raucous noises and is attached to and upon any vehicle operated or parked upon the streets or public places.

It shall be unlawful for any person to Prostitutes Clovis or maintain a public nuisance in Prostitutes Clovis City. For the Prostitutes Clovis of this section, public nuisances shall include but not be limited to any of the following:. An attractive nuisance, defined as any condition, instrumentality or machine which is or may be unsafe or dangerous to children by reason Prostitutes Clovis their inability to appreciate the peril therein, and which may reasonably Prostitutes Clovis expected to attract children to the premises and risk injury by playing with, in, or on it, whether in a building or on the premises.

Any condition declared to be a public nuisance by the City Council. Acts constituting a public nuisance as defined by Civil Code Section Maintenance of property in such condition of deterioration or disrepair that the same causes depreciation of the value of surrounding property or is Prostitutes Clovis detrimental to nearby properties and improvements. Nuisances under this chapter may be enforced by one or more of the following nonexclusive remedies:.

Abatement and cost recovery pursuant to Prostitutes Clovis 28 and 29 of Title 5. Administrative citation pursuant to Chapter 7 of Title 1. Misdemeanor enforcement pursuant to Chapter 2 of Title 1.

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